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Hello, my name is Anna John


16 years has passed since I moved to Dehradun in India, 

emigrated to the land of many contrasts.


My first experiences where I was in this fascinating,

foreign land ended abruptly in the harsh reality

when I saw how destitute many people have to live here.


My first thought was:"You have to help here!"   

I founded the NON-PROFIT organization:

"Hope to Survive".


My goal is to help the orphaned children and the poorest

and to help the weakest people so that they can too get a chance to have a better life.


Your Anna and the Hope children aus Dehradun India




"Hope to Survive" is a recognized charity in India

The officials check the accounts every two months. As a "foreigner", the aid organization still gets money from the Indian statenocontributions, therefore dhe relief organization relies on private donations. With your donation you support our work,to help the children constantly. Every donation comesto 100%with the children. 



What are we doing? 


  • accommodation

We're looking for a roof over our heads for the kids.

This with us in the "Hope House" or at a care -Family.

  • food

Every day we try you a suitable meal

and to be able to offer clean water. 

  • hygiene

Simplest hygienic -care and education.

  • Clothing

The children get the opportunity to join us

stock up on fresh clothes. 

  • Medical supplies

In the case of illnesses and injury organize for you

the medical care and try you mental

to give support.


  • training/further education

Schools in India are not free.

We try to make it possible for you to

to attend university or to complete an apprenticeship,

so that you can get a chance for yourself

to lead a better life.

  • Just being there for the kids

We have an open ear for the children

and try to offer you a bit of security. 


A big hug can warm your heart a little. 


"Operation Hope" is mainly called to be here for the kids.





Financial donations is the quickest way to have a child to support, this comes to 100% at the children.



  • food

  • Drinking water

  • Accommodation

  • Medical supplies

  • School Fees (Schools in India are not free)

  • school supplies



Please take it

contact us.

© 2023 - Hope to Survive - OPERATION HOPE - Anna John


Operation Hope, Anna John

197/A 3 Rajpur Road Dehradun 248001 India





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